Match nights: Monday
Start time: 7.30
Venue: The Townsend Social Club, 2 Stourbridge Road, Halesowen B63 3US
Phone: 0121 559 7952
Website: https://www.halesowenchessclub.org.uk/
Refreshments: Refreshments can be paid for at the bar.
Wheelchair access: Wheelchair users are accommodated downstairs.
Secretary: vacant
Fixture Secretary (Div 2):: Adrian Priest
Home address: 130 Greenhill Road, Halesowen, B62 8HA
Email: priest.130@btinternet.com
Phone: 07732 328 998
Fixture Secretary (Div 3): Tony Stokes
Email: tonyst45@hotmail.com
Phone: 07905 276021
Non-Fixture Enquiries: Stewart Fishburne
Email: skf@globalnet.co.uk